Why is urban sprawl bad anyway?
I got to thinking about this question and my wife and I started talking about it and it got to be a very strange conversation. Seriously, why is urban sprawl bad? O.K., here is my answer. Urban sprawl is bad because of global warming....dahhh. Once we figured this out the conversation was over and all is well in the world again. Oh, thank God we don't have to wrestle with that anymore. I mean, had I thought of global warming in the first place the conversation would have been much briefer. And from now on, it will be. In fact I'm pretty sure I can shorten up a lot of conversations with that answer. What a beauty answer it is, too. No need to question it at all. I need to find more answers like "global warming" in my life. You know, the kind that you need not ever question if you are above average intelligence.