Brian commented:
Why does a guy with no hair need a swimming cap?
I have had some of the best emails and comments lately. But this one was way below the belt....just kidding.
In fact, this one deserves a multiple choice question. Is it:
A. It just plain looks cool
B. The color "Bald" does not go with my wetsuit
C. It keeps the head warm
D. All of the above
I think you know the answer is "D", all of the above. But, here is how I came to own a swimming cap. I went to one of the Dip & Dash events two weeks ago and out of maybe 125 participants, only one did not have a swimming cap. I have to admit two things about this guy; he was bald and he won the 750M / 5k event. He was also one of only two people who did not wear a wetsuit.
That night, my wife and I drove over to the damn at the far end of the lake. While we were there, we noticed the white board that has a fishing report. It showed the temperature of the water at 60 degrees. So, even though the answer is "D", the reason was "C". I'm a wimp for cold water, but 60 degrees!?!
And oh, by the way, my wife picked out my swimming cap.
If you really want to see why "D" is clearly the correct answer, click on this link.