A friend of mine asked me a really good question in an email today, and that was:
"Is it significantly better to run one longer run a day or is it OK to run twice a day?"
The short answer is yes, it is OK to run twice a day and the benefits are the same as one longer run.
There are two main reasons to run twice a day rather than once. First, you simply do not have time for a longer run at any time during the day. It's important to remember that if you are training for a distance run like a half marathon or a marathon, your running during the week is:
- to build mileage up to a "base level" where you can do legitimate distance training on the weekends
- to maintain the level of fitness that allows you to build up to longer and longer weekend distance runs
The second reason is that it is a way to maintain high mileage while getting more rest days in as you age. Most running coaches will tell you that 40 years old is a threshold where rest days become more important . In other words, the risk of over training increases substantially as we age. Some distance runners will run their best marathons in their 40s,. Some even in their 50s. However, this kind of performance requires more rest than marathoning at a younger age.
So, the bottom line is this: If you want to build up to a half marathon or marathon, two-a-days can be a great way to do it. Here is a possible training schedule for a 35 plus year old.
- Day one - 2 to 3 miles twice during the day
- Day two - 3 to 4 miles once during the day
- Day three - light cross training like stationary bike or curcuit training
- Day four - 2.5 to 4 miles twice during the day
- Day five - rest
- Day six - this is the prime time day for building up distance work and doing speed work
- Day seven - go for a walk or light run of only 3 to 4 miles
Here are a couple of standard disclaimers:
- Know your body and the difference between soreness and injury. If your sore, slow down and stay on the low side of workouts. If your injured, even a minor injury, you must take time off.
- Running during the week is only to maintain your fitness level. If you need an extra day off, take it.
Let me know how your two-a-days go.