The Obama administration, and most especially President Obama, have been busy courting two bit dictators and leaders of failed states. And, right on cue, the obedient dominant media has been fawning over their efforts.
First, it was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. Despite the administrations efforts, he just isn't knuckling under to the Mr. Nice treatment. Nobody could have guessed that would happen.
Next, it was Hugo Chávez of Venezuela. Here is a real winner. Somewhere around 70% of Venezuela's oil revenue just disappears. Hmmmmm, I wonder where that goes. President Obama makes his best move with a hardy hand shake and an advertisement of Hugo's book and what does he get? He must be hoping that Chavez will no long say President Obama smells like President Bush. Good luck with that.
Finally, and taking the cake, is President Obama's buddy and leader of Cuba Raúl Modesto Castro. Right when the administration was bragging about an upcoming "thawing of relations" with Cuba, they had to go and ask that Cuba show a sign of reconciliation. Oh, that was a bad move. It didn't take Raul's famous older brother Fidel long to throw cold water on that idea.
For that I can't help but saying, "President Obama, who's you daddy?"