(I get a lot of web hits from people looking for the Christopher McCandless Scholarship Fund because I wrote a book review on Into the Wild. Because of this, I am providing the link to the scholarship fund. However, please note that I don't know anything about the fund, nor do I endorse it in any way.)
This last weekend my wife and I and our 13 year old son went to the movie "Into the Wild". I did some up front research on the "R" rating and found what proved to be a fair review at Christianity Today. There is pretty significant language and there is some nudity with a 1 to 2 second shot of what was meant to portray love making....although it was quick and there was no nudity as part of that brief scene.
As we walked out of the movie my son asked, "What was the biggest difference between the book and the movie Dad?" I paused for a moment and said, "Well son, there were a lot more boobs in the movie."
And that is actually a strong compliment of Sean Penn's work in making this movie. Although, I just have to say that all of the nudity was completely gratuitous and totally unnecessary. The director, Sean Penn, knew that the language would get him an "R" rating, so he threw some boobs in to sell tickets.
Regarding the movie verses the book, the book was better. The movie review under this link, Christianity Today, talks about some of the differences. Also, you can check out my book review.
I would however recommend the movie, at least for adults. For those of you with kids, be sure they are old enough to deal with the language and the nudity.
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