Doesn't every hunt start like this? How precious.....just a man and his gear. Thank you for this picture Charlotte! It is the only one out of 117 that I could find that Justin isn't smiling.
We spent our first night in the parking area. What I love about this picture is that it is such a good picture of the tent that we slept in during our hunt. This tent is 6 x 10. Why would you make a tent 6 x 10? Think about it....which way to you sleep? Well, I can tell you how we slept; crossways and we are not exactly big guys.
Here the boys are loaded up and ready to make the first trip up to our camp. Hey, you might as well start a trip like this with a smile on your face because they were about to walk straight up a hill.
This picture shows what our weather was the entire time we were hunting. Just spectacular! A bit warm in the afternoon, but not too cool at night.
Call it home. The tent on the left was that special 6 x 10 I mentioned. The tent on the right was our gear tent. It worked great to have two tents and the gear tent was tall enough to stand up while changing.
Possibly my favorite picture of all. Two happy guys and a dead elk. As their guide, nothing would have been worse than to send them home empty handed. This elk gave me a big smile and an instant sigh of relief!
Is Kurt explaining the finer points of why his two tone camo is better than Justin's? Can Justin even hear him as wrapped up as he is eating one of the finest meals he has ever had? I'm not sure, but they're both in the Rocky Mountains with one elk down and drinking beer. Not a bad place to be!
We call him the "web master". A true artison indeed. And let's face it, a good web master is hard to find.
And the next day, Kurt connects on his elk. Take a look at the body. This elk was still dripping from the wallow. What a mess!
Justin claims that he did not get a chance to nap....but this looks suspiciously like a guy just about ready to lay back and get some ZZZZZZZZ's.